Friday, September 01, 2017

There is no future

There is no future

David A Fairbanks

During the last week we have seen a wonderful outpouring of help and genuine concern in Houston, Port Arthur, and other communities in Texas and now help coming to Louisiana.

How long will it last?

President Trump says he will donate a million dollars, he won't. His administration will game the talk radio shows and play to the base and in a month will shove everything about Hurricane Harvey out of sight.

Irma might come and makes matters worse.

What is troublesome is that there is a cynical effort on the part of Republicans to diminish the federal government, to eventually drown it in a bathtub.

Speaker Ryan says Social Security has passed its time and congress needs to abolish federal pensions and let the banks take over. Thus old age becomes a profit based business with the managers paid well and the retirees living in squalid poverty. Ryan's belief is that "If you don't have a million dollars you are a bum, a failure!"

Only Hippie Losers collect Social Security!

Donald Trump's obsession with Barack Obama motivates Trump to attempt wholesale erasure of the former president and everything he did.

Trump is less of a racist than jealous of a glamorous and intelligent younger man.

We are in serious trouble as a nation.

1. More than 25 million alcohol or opioid addicts that are dysfunctional and dying at the rate of 500 a day.

2. 60 Million Baby Boomers heading for financial ruin and will end up either starving or become desperate wards of the state.

3. Almost 5 million Black Males, 16 Million White Males and 6 Million Hispanic males with no job skills or credible education and no future.

4. Nearly 5 million adults in the corrections and parole community lacking any serious education or financial support.

5. 20,000 bridges aging and in need of repair. 70,000 miles of highways in need of repair. 

6. Sewage and waste management 20 years behind schedule for upgrade and replacement.

7. 45 million women lacking serious job skills.

There is more.

The congress dithers because they get paid to do so.

North Korea and Iran see the US as a loud noise and a country that has no serious beliefs. The predators are circling us.

What can we do? What will we do?

The generosity and concern shown in Texas is encouraging, but the political forces seeking to destroy the American ideal of 'Community' or that we must move forward have not given up their quest to slam the country back to a time when everyone kept quiet and a small group of white men ran everything.

The predator reactionaries never go away, they will push and shove whenever possible.

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