Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Here is the face of the Republican party of Newt Gingrich Karl Rove Dick Cheney and Roger Ailes. This man has been hustled all his life by smart men selling 'resentment' politics. "You are a slave to the black man, you work pay taxes and the black man gets your money Welfare, food stamps, unemployment insurance, a higher minimum wage and all this foreign aid come from you! You are the slave and the lazy black folks live on your nickel!"

And it works. The "Southern Strategy" Invented by Kevin Philips and Pat Buchannan for Richard Nixon, played to the paranoid south. Fox News Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage thrive on 'Resentment' Politics.

Times are changing and as you see this man above, he's not young and in fact he probably does not vote.

Bigotry sells, ask Vladimir Putin, he whips up the rural Russians and city workers with fantasy and resentment.

Be certain the GOP in 2016 will blame the liberals and the blacks for "EVERYTHING" and more than a few while men lost in fabricated rage will vote for the Republicans oblivious to the fact the GOP sees them as fools!

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