Thursday, April 30, 2015

Where we are...

David A Fairbanks
In the midst of all the noise in Baltimore lies a very old and never
to end fact, "Job Skills"
No civilization can expect to get past primitivism until there is a universal want for genuine opportunity for every one. Even a racist culture can acknowledge a need for job skills and jobs that pay a living wage, if only to advantage the racists.
The United States foolishly created irrational expectations for blacks in the 1960s only to allow millions of unskilled jobs to bleed away to Asia Mexico and Latin America. Millions ended up homeless or living with relatives. Drug abuse became a cheap way to sedate angry hearts and minds and led to a huge expansion of inmate population and the decline of once stable inner city communities.
There is no difference in intelligence or capacity to learn among the races. What there is as Studs Terkel spoke of in his famous book:  "Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel About the American Obsession" is an unwillingness to solve our problems in a lasting way. We are cheap and look for simplistic solutions. We defeat ourselves.
Urban civilization cannot last in a fury of bigotry and stupid politics, it will eventually be burnt down by a mob of disillusioned folk.
Martin Luther King once said "Riot is the voice of the unheard"
What is coming is a cynical 2016 campaign that is laced with racist appeals and then in 2017 the usual indifference and eventually the next explosion. 
When will America finally decide to be a serious nation that solves problems instead of evading them? 

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