Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Will America Change this Time?

I have read this story of race based shootings again and again since the late 1950's. In Miami Florida where I grew up every three years or so there'd be a shooting and than all this talk of people working together and a few years later another shooting and people gathering in churches and well same old. Same old. I have no doubt that in 2021 there will be a mass shooting and efforts to change things, and then in 2025,2031,2037. Nothing will change until the culture of ignorance lack of job skills and casual abuse by police ends once and for all. The truth is that about 75% of white people are indifferent to all this, just walk around and ask 100 white people the names of the police victims in Dallas or anywhere else? George Carlin once did a routine about public outrage and how it was a kind of indulgence. Thomas Wolf wrote a famous essay "Mau Mauing The Flack Catchers" Like all Americans I want bigotry and violence to end, but the truth is that the people in South Baton Rouge will never agree to finance a better North Baton Rouge. Blacks in Miami's Liberty City are still desperate 60 years later. So perhaps all of us need to tell the truth, all Black America can hope for is a church service, a teddy bear placed at a memorial. By labor day all this angst will be forgotten and no one will care. Why would it be different this time?

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