Friday, August 07, 2015

Response to First Republican Debate 8/6/2015

David A Fairbanks
Reno Nevada

I can't sake the suspicion that Donald Trump is a confidence man fronting a group of serious folk who cold never be Democrats but hate the current Republican party which seems to be lost in populist fantasy about Washington and the 1%. Its as if a decision was made to ruin the Republican chance in 2016  by putting up a truly crazy spectacle, and then in 2017 start taking over the Republican party like Nixon and his power brokers did after Goldwater and his crazed supporters lost to Lyndon Johnson. Serious adults understand that sometimes you have to clean house, get rid of the incendiaries and crackpots. I suspect the Republicans of 2020 will be a better controlled and responsible group. I suspect Bill Clinton explained all this to Donald Trump who is at heart a prankster and showman. Trump is having a glorious time because  he will never have to get serious. Finally I think Governor Walker will be the nominee and will be defeated by Hillary Clinton because the Baby Boomers want one last moment at the pinnacle of power. 2020 will be the watershed election.  

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